Draw planter beds and other spaces onto the canvas
To draw planter beds and other spaces onto the canvas, first make sure that no items are currently selected. This can be done by clicking outside the canvas or pressing the esc button on your keyboard.
Next, select the fourth button down on the right side of the canvas--the bent line with a dot on one end.
Choose the material you want to use for this space.
Click completely around the each part of the space that you want to fill in, making sure that your last point ends at the point you started at, to close the loop.
Once you have a space, you can then make edits to it. While it's selected, you can move it around, resize it, and bring it backward or forward by pressing the up or down arrows on the left side of the canvas.
To edit the points of the bed or space, select the space. Along the bottom of the canvas, three icons will appear in the center. By clicking the first icon, a trapezoid with circles on the corners, you can edit or add points to the space. When you're finished, click the same button again, though at this point it is an x.
The second icon at the bottom center of the canvas, two lines with circles, will allow you to make edits to the space, including adjusting brightness, blur, contrast, opacity, saturation, and hue.
The third icon at the bottom center of the canvas, two pages with a plus sign on top, is the duplicate icon. Clicking this button allows you to duplicate the space.
Selecting the space and clicking on the bed or space icon you clicked to begin with will bring up a menu that allows you to swap out design materials or adjust the offset and the scale of the material used.
If you need to delete a bed or space that you've drawn, select the space and click on the red trash can icon in the bottom left corner. Alternatively, select the space and press the backspace button on your keyboard.